Leaders in pink who love life

It’s crisis, it’s crisis, woeoeoeoe it’s crisis. Tell it to your friends and lets create this big fear so we don’t have to blaim ourselves!


Great things happened the past weeks:

  • “the market requires leaders in times of crisis, not managers” (Trends)
  • pink is in again
  • Viva La Vida wins a Grammy
  • Piet Huysentruyt now also sells pots and pans

The past weeks I’ve visited a lot of customers and I will be visiting many more in the next weeks and months. Not only in Belgium, but also in Spain and South-Africa. I’m happy to hear the same story of true leaders everywhere:

  • Now is the time to invest in strategic things and focus on what’s important
  • We have to cut the “fat” out of the company

Most of these leaders have a specific profile:

  • they are not really “liked” because they dare to be different
  • they have big balls
  • they are positive at all times
  • they have a flexible mind and are not blocked by fears
  • they get power from within and motivate themselves, day after day
  • they are not stupid and can handle many parameters at the same time
  • they don’t judge, but act

In short: I LIKE THEM!!!

And now for a commercial message: let’s all particpate in the Hercules Trophy this year! Why?

  • The people within the company are very strategic, so let’s invest in them
  • Teamwork is key and makes the difference these days, so let’s invest in that
  • Make people proud to work for your company, they will run the extra mile for you!
  • Regroup all the small “incentive and teambuilding”-budgets (=fat) into one and focus on a total experience with a time span of many months and a guaranteed return on investment for everbody

Over 150 teams subscribed in only 3 weeks time. Follow the leaders! Wanna know more: let me know and I will visit you.

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